DNTRKT is the abbriviation for “Don't get rekt”. "Get rekt" is another way of saying "get wrecked". Usually used by either kids or trolls on online games in order to annoy or provoke other players. 

As a digital, esport, consulting company, that carries competitive gaming truly inside, we help to open the eyes for the fascination of gaming and esports: for its creativity, its technology and its economic players.

We create opportunities for growth, and we celebrate the fun that comes with it.

DONTGETREKT guides you into the world of  competitive Gaming and Esports. We provide the information which is needed to understand an environment that is often young, fast paced and sky rocketing. The world of Gaming and Esports! Our clients are our buddies and as good friends do, we guide them into the world of Gaming and Esports. We deliver data, advice, trends and customize whatever our buddies need.

In Esports Slang, 'to carry somebody' means: if someone is strong in his/her position he/ she might be able to lead all the others to a win by using his/her personal level of skill in combination with the teams asset to create the best possible outcome - 99% Skill, 1% Luck.

So let's get started. 


Think bold. Act clever. Move fast.



    We help to create and manage awesome content for the World Wide Web.
    We take care of your brand in the digital world.


    We support firms & organizations who [want to] take part in the esports market with their initial setup as well as daily routines.
    We help to make gaming better for all of its' [economic] players.


    We enable firms to reach their full potential regarding digital & brand topics in a fast paced world.
    We analyse information, bring it on paper and make it look stunning and information rich.

Chris Hauswald


- Chris deeply believes that Gaming and Esports is the rising star in todays entertainment.

About Chris,

Chris holds a diploma in Management and Economics from Ruhr University Bochum, Germany and studied in San Diego, California, with a focus on sports management.

He worked as digital brand consultant, built up a hyperlocal online marketplace as a startup and has continuously deepened his knowledge in gaming and esports. 

Most recently he earned the degree of Esports Manager from Deutsche Sportakademie as well as from Wings - Hochschule Wismar.

When it comes to Gaming and Esports – Chris looks back on more than 20 years of experience from very different angles and with broad ingame knowledge; always with the same passion and curiosity inside. He founded DiE], a former Broodwar / Counterstrike Clan in 2000, started playing League of Legends in 2014 and became top 20 World by Mastery with Zilean reaching the top 0,41% of players in skill-level.

Gamers will know what it means when Chris describes his playstyle as supportive, objective focused, tilt proof, adaptive and calculated. This is what he also brings into DNTRKT and his work with our clients, our buddies. 

Let's start the game already!
- Get in touch.


Another way of saying “get wrecked”. Usually used by either kids or trolls on online games in order to annoy or provoke other players.


DONTGETREKT is an agency guiding clients into the world of (professional) Gaming and Esports. We provide the information which is needed to understand an environment that is often young, fast paced and sky rocketing.


In Esports Slang, ‘to carry somebody’ means: if someone is strong in his/her position he/ she might be able to lead all the others to a win by using his/her personal level of skill in combination with the teams asset to create the best possible outcome. Who do you carry? Or want to be carried?

We make the plays!
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